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ISEAS & LIPI Event Seminar In Singapore

Repost link https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10155432344646795&id=717561794

Otoritas keagamaan di Indonesia tampak mengalami pergeseran serius belakangan ini. Ustadz-ustadz baru, spt Ustadz Abdul Somad & Felix Siauw, bermunculan & berkompetisi dg ulama high-brow. Sakralisasi thd instant ulama & habib2 tertentu terjadi. Sebaliknya, cemooh terhadap ulama tradisional jg kadang muncul.

ISEAS & LIPI mengundang para sarjana utk mendiskusikan ini di Singapore.

Accommodations will be provided for all participants. For participants traveling from Asia, economy class airfare will be provided. Participants traveling from beyond Asia may receive partial funding for air travel.

Ahmad Najib Burhani


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